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10 reasons why trial of Jesus Christ was illegal

10 reasons why trial of Jesus Christ was illegal


10 reasons why trial of Jesus Christ was illegal

The trial of Jesus Christ is one of the most infamous legal proceedings in history. Many scholars and theologians have argued that the trial was illegal and violated numerous legal and moral principles. In this article, we will examine ten reasons why the trial of Jesus Christ was illegal, supported by references from the Bible.

Lack of Due Process: The trial of Jesus Christ did not follow due process of law. The Sanhedrin, the Jewish council responsible for adjudicating legal matters, did not follow the established legal procedures for trial and sentencing. The Bible records that the Sanhedrin held an illegal trial at night and did not follow proper legal procedures (Matthew 26:57-68).

Unlawful Arrest: Jesus was arrested without a warrant and without any legal justification. The arresting officers did not have any evidence of any crime he had committed, which makes his arrest unlawful. The Bible records that Jesus was arrested without any legal justification or warrant (Matthew 26:47-56).

False Witnesses: The witnesses who testified against Jesus were false and did not provide any credible evidence. The Sanhedrin had to resort to false accusations to convict Jesus. The Bible records that the Sanhedrin could not find any credible witnesses against Jesus, so they had to resort to false testimony (Matthew 26:59-60).

Lack of Proper Representation: Jesus was not given proper legal representation during his trial. He was not allowed to have a lawyer or advocate for his defense. The Bible records that Jesus had no legal representation and was not allowed to defend himself (Matthew 26:57-68).

Biased Judges: The judges who presided over the trial were biased against Jesus. They were not neutral and impartial, which is required for a fair trial. The Bible records that the judges were biased against Jesus and had already made up their minds before the trial (Matthew 26:59-68).

Trial Held at Night: The trial was held at night, which is against Jewish law. Trials were supposed to be held during the day so that the judges could see the witnesses and assess their credibility. The Bible records that the trial was held at night (Matthew 26:57-68).

Hasty Trial: The trial was rushed and did not allow for a thorough examination of the evidence. The judges were more interested in getting a quick verdict rather than following the proper legal procedures. The Bible records that the trial was rushed and did not follow proper legal procedures (Matthew 26:57-68).

Lack of Evidence: There was no evidence presented to support the charges against Jesus. The Sanhedrin had to rely on hearsay and false testimony to convict him. The Bible records that there was no evidence presented against Jesus (Matthew 26:59-60).

Use of Torture: The use of torture to extract a confession or information is illegal under Jewish law and international human rights law. Yet, Jesus was subjected to physical and emotional abuse during his trial. The Bible records that Jesus was physically and emotionally abused during his trial (Matthew 26:67-68).

Political Interference: The trial of Jesus was influenced by political considerations. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, was more concerned about maintaining his power than upholding the law. The Bible records that Pontius Pilate was more concerned about maintaining his power than upholding the law (Matthew 27:15-26).

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