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Catholic prayers before Surgery for a friend

Catholic prayers before Surgery for a friend


Catholic prayers before Surgery for a friend

“Dear Lord,

As my dear friend prepares for surgery, I come before you with a heart full of faith and trust. You are the ultimate source of healing and strength, and I ask for your loving presence to surround my friend during this time.

Grant the medical team wisdom, skill, and precision as they perform the surgery. Guide their hands and minds, allowing them to work with excellence and compassion. May every decision made be in accordance with your divine will.

Lord, I ask for your healing touch to be upon my friend. Embrace them with your comforting presence, easing any fear or anxiety they may be experiencing. Strengthen their body, mind, and spirit, preparing them for the procedure ahead.

I pray for a successful surgery, that it may achieve its intended purpose and bring about healing and restoration. Be with my friend every step of the way, from the moment they enter the operating room until their recovery is complete.

Grant them peace and hope in the midst of uncertainty. Surround them with your angels and saints, providing them with comfort and solace. Help them to surrender their worries and burdens to you, trusting in your divine plan.

Lord, I also lift up the family and loved ones of my friend. Grant them patience, strength, and resilience during this time of waiting and concern. Pour out your grace upon them, sustaining them with hope and faith.

I place my friend’s life and well-being into your hands, O Lord. May your perfect will be done, and may my friend experience your healing touch and love. I ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

Feel free to customize and adapt this prayer to suit your specific needs and beliefs. May God’s grace and healing be with your friend during their surgery and throughout their recovery.

  1. Prayer for Healing and Strength:

“Heavenly Father,

I come before you with a heart burdened for my dear friend who is facing surgery. I lift them up to you, knowing that you are the divine healer and source of strength.

Lord Jesus, you showed great compassion to the sick and suffering during your earthly ministry. I ask that you extend that same compassion to my friend. Surround them with your healing presence and bring restoration to their body.

Grant them the strength they need to face the surgery with courage and resilience. Fill their heart with peace and calm any anxiety or fear they may be experiencing. Help them to trust in your loving care and to find comfort in your embrace.

Bless the medical team who will be attending to my friend. Guide their hands and minds, giving them wisdom and skill to carry out the surgery with precision and success. May they be instruments of your healing power.

Holy Spirit, be with my friend throughout the entire surgical process. Be their source of comfort, inspiration, and hope. Grant them patience and perseverance as they undergo the necessary procedures for their well-being.

Lord, I surrender my friend’s life and health into your loving hands. May your will be done, and may my friend experience your miraculous healing. I ask all this in the name of Jesus, our Divine Physician. Amen.”

  1. Prayer for Peace and Trust:

“Gracious God,

I humbly come before you, lifting up my dear friend who is facing surgery. I pray for your peace to encompass them in this time of uncertainty and apprehension.

Lord Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace, and I ask that you grant peace that surpasses all understanding to my friend. Calm their anxious thoughts and replace them with trust in your loving plan.

Give my friend the assurance that they are not alone, for you are with them every step of the way. Surround them with your angels, providing comfort and strength. May they find solace in knowing that they are held in your loving embrace.

Lord, I pray for the success of the surgical procedure. Guide the hands of the medical team and grant them wisdom and skill. May your divine presence be felt in the operating room, bringing about healing and restoration.

I also lift up the family and loved ones of my friend. Grant them peace and assurance during this time of waiting. Strengthen their faith and help them to place their trust in you.

Heavenly Father, I surrender my friend’s life into your hands. I trust in your goodness and love. May your healing power be evident in their life, and may they experience a swift and complete recovery. I ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

May these prayers bring comfort, hope, and strength to your friend and their loved ones as they prepare for surgery. May God’s grace be upon them, guiding the hands of the medical team and bringing about healing and restoration.

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