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Difference between NIV and TNIV version of the Bible.

Difference between NIV and TNIV version of the Bible.


Difference between NIV and TNIV version of the Bible.

The New International Version (NIV) and Today’s New International Version (TNIV) are two of the most popular English translations of the Bible. Both translations were produced by the International Bible Society (now Biblica) and are based on the same underlying Greek and Hebrew texts. However, there are some key differences between the NIV and TNIV that readers should be aware of.

History and Background

The New International Version of the Bible was first published in 1978 and is a dynamic equivalence translation. It was produced by a team of scholars and theologians from various denominations and was designed to be a more readable and understandable translation for modern readers.

Today’s New International Version is an updated version of the NIV that was published in 2002. The TNIV was produced in response to criticisms of the NIV’s language and gender inclusivity. The TNIV was designed to be more gender-inclusive and to use more contemporary language than the NIV.

Translation Philosophy

The New International Version is a dynamic equivalence translation, which means that it seeks to convey the meaning and intent of the original text in a more contemporary and idiomatic language. The NIV translators sought to balance accuracy with readability, and the result is a translation that is easy to read and understand.

Today’s New International Version is also a dynamic equivalence translation, but it seeks to be more gender-inclusive than the NIV. The TNIV uses gender-inclusive language when referring to both men and women, which has been a controversial issue for some readers and scholars.

Language and Style

The language and style of the New International Version is designed to be contemporary and idiomatic. The NIV uses modern English and avoids archaic words and phrases that may be difficult for modern readers to understand. The NIV is known for its readability and accessibility, and is often used in modern worship services and Bible study groups.

Today’s New International Version is also designed to be contemporary and idiomatic, but it uses more gender-inclusive language than the NIV. The TNIV uses gender-inclusive language when referring to both men and women, which has been a controversial issue for some readers and scholars.

Gender-Inclusive Language

One of the key differences between the NIV and TNIV is the use of gender-inclusive language. The NIV uses masculine pronouns when referring to both men and women, which some readers and scholars have criticized as being sexist and exclusionary. The TNIV seeks to be more gender-inclusive by using gender-neutral language when referring to both men and women.

Critics of the TNIV argue that it sacrifices accuracy and fidelity to the original text in favor of political correctness. Some critics also argue that the TNIV’s gender-inclusive language obscures important theological concepts and creates confusion for readers.


The New International Version and Today’s New International Version are two of the most popular English translations of the Bible. Both translations are based on the same underlying Greek and Hebrew texts, but there are some key differences between the NIV and TNIV that readers should be aware of. The NIV is known for its readability and accessibility, while the TNIV seeks to be more gender-inclusive in its language. Readers should consider their preferences and needs when choosing a Bible translation, and should carefully evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each translation.

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