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Types of Altars in the Catholic Church

Types of Altars in the Catholic Church


Types of Altars in the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church, steeped in rich tradition and symbolism, places great significance on its places of worship. At the heart of these sacred spaces is the altar, a central focal point where the Eucharist is celebrated, and the faithful gather for communal worship. Altars come in various forms and styles, each with its own historical and liturgical significance. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the types of altars found in the Catholic Church, uncovering their history, purpose, and spiritual symbolism.

1. The High Altar

The High Altar holds a place of honor in many traditional Catholic churches. Positioned at the rear of the sanctuary or apse, it is often raised on a platform of steps, symbolizing its elevated status. The High Altar is typically made of marble or stone and serves as the primary location for the celebration of the Eucharist. It is richly adorned with candles, crucifixes, and other liturgical items. High Altars are often ornately decorated with intricate carvings and artwork, reflecting the grandeur of God.

2. The Portable Altar

Portable altars, also known as traveling altars or altar stones, are designed for use outside of the traditional church setting. These compact altars are often used by priests when celebrating Mass in remote areas, hospitals, or during pilgrimages. They consist of a stone or wooden base containing a relic of a saint, a small tabernacle for the Blessed Sacrament, and the necessary liturgical vessels. Portable altars symbolize the universality of the Church, as the Eucharist can be celebrated anywhere, bringing Christ’s presence to all corners of the world.

3. The Altar of Repose

The Altar of Repose is a temporary altar used during the liturgical season of Holy Week, particularly on Holy Thursday. It is traditionally set up in a separate area of the church, often in an alcove or chapel. This altar symbolizes the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed before His arrest. It is adorned with flowers, candles, and a monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament. After the Holy Thursday Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is transferred to the Altar of Repose, and the faithful are invited to spend time in adoration, keeping watch as the disciples did with Jesus in the Garden.

4. The Altar of Sacrifice

The Altar of Sacrifice, also known as the Table Altar, gained prominence in the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council. Unlike the High Altar, it is often positioned closer to the congregation, emphasizing active participation in the Mass. This altar is typically made of wood and has a simple, unadorned design. It serves as a focal point for the communal meal aspect of the Eucharist, signifying the Last Supper. The Altar of Sacrifice embodies the idea of Christ’s sacrifice being shared with the entire assembly.

5. The Altar of the Word

In some modern church designs, particularly in contemporary and circular churches, the Altar of the Word takes center stage. This altar emphasizes the importance of the Word of God in the liturgy. It may be made of wood or stone and is often positioned at the center of the sanctuary. The placement and design of this altar signify the centrality of Scripture in the Catholic liturgy. During the Liturgy of the Word, the lectionary is placed upon it, emphasizing the reading and proclamation of Scripture.

6. The Altar of Reservation

The Altar of Reservation, also known as the Tabernacle Altar, is a special altar designed for the reservation of the Blessed Sacrament. It is often located in a prominent position within the church, near the sanctuary. This altar is a place of reverence and adoration, where the consecrated Host is kept for distribution to the sick and for adoration by the faithful. The Altar of Reservation is adorned with a tabernacle, a lamp or candle to signify Christ’s presence, and may include an image of the Last Supper.


Altars in the Catholic Church are not mere pieces of furniture; they are sacred spaces that carry profound liturgical and spiritual significance. Whether elaborate or simple, traditional or modern, each type of altar serves as a focal point for the celebration of the Eucharist and the Word of God. These altars connect the faithful to the rich history and traditions of the Church while inviting them to encounter the divine presence of Christ. In their diversity, altars in the Catholic Church remind us of the universality and timelessness of the Catholic faith, a faith that is celebrated and lived out in countless communities around the world.

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