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The Hope of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey

The Hope of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey


The Hope of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey


When you’re going through tough times, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone.

This is something the Syriac Catholic Church knows all too well. Despite the challenges it faces, this church remains hopeful. In fact, its hope is stronger than ever.

This week, Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan made a historic pastoral visit to Turkey. He traveled to the areas that were once the cradle of Syriac Christianity, and where the persecution of Christians is at its worst. But even in the face of such adversity, the patriarch’s message was one of hope.

“Our eyes are always on the crucified Jesus, and in Him we place all our hope,” he said in his homily.

This faith in Jesus Christ is what gives the Syriac Catholic Church strength in the face of persecution and trial. No matter what comes their way, they know that their hope lies in Him.

The Hope of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey

You’re probably wondering what’s going on with the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey. Let me assure you that we’re holding strong, despite the persecution we’ve endured in recent years.

It’s been a difficult road, but we have faith that God is with us. In his homily, the patriarch referred to the verse, ‘Look at Him and trust in Him’ inscribed in Syriac over the cross raised behind the altar, telling the faithful: ‘Our eyes are always on the crucified Jesus, and in Him we place all our hope.’

Despite the challenges we face, we remain hopeful for the future. We know that God is with us and will never forsake us.

Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan’s Historic Pastoral Visit to Turkey

As you know, the Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan made a historic pastoral visit to Turkey. This visit was particularly important because it was in areas that were the cradle of Syriac Christianity.

In his homily, the patriarch referred to the verse, ‘Look at Him and trust in Him’ inscribed in Syriac over the cross raised behind the altar, telling the faithful: ‘Our eyes are always on the crucified Jesus, and in Him we place all our hope.’

It was a beautiful message of hope in the face of difficult times. The Syriac Catholic Church has persevered through many trials and tribulations, and this latest ordeal is just another test of faith. But as always, the hope of the Syriac Catholic Church prevails.

The Importance of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey

The Syriac Catholic Church has a long and storied history in Turkey. It’s been there since the very beginning, and played a key role in the development of Christianity in that region.

Today, the Syriac Catholic Church is a vital part of the Christian community in Turkey. And it faces many challenges, but it’s also holding on to hope. In his homily, Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan said:

“Our eyes are always on the crucified Jesus, and in Him we place all our hope.”

The Syriac Catholic Church is a beacon of hope for Christians in Turkey—and for Christians all around the world.

The Future of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey

As you know, the Syriac Catholic Church is a minority church in Turkey, and it’s been facing some pretty serious challenges in recent years. But your faith is strong, and you’re not giving up without a fight.

You were so moved by Patriarch Younan’s pastoral visit to Turkey, and you’re grateful for the support he’s shown to your community in these difficult times. The future of the Syriac Catholic Church in Turkey may be uncertain, but with faith and courage, you know that hope will prevail.


As you have read, the Syriac Catholic Church has a long and rich history in Turkey. Despite the challenges they face, their faith and hope remain unbroken. This Easter, we salute our brothers and sisters in the Syriac Catholic Church for their courage and resilience in the face of persecution.

We wish you all a peaceful and joyous Easter celebration.

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