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October Novenas to holy Angels that you can pray.

October Novenas to holy Angels that you can pray.


October Novenas to holy Angels that you can pray.

(Choose a selection of the following prayers for daily recitation.)

O all ye holy Angels, who contemplate unceasingly the uncreated Beauty of the Divinity, in company with our ever-glorious Queen, we present and offer to thee this novena, not only as a means of obtaining favors, but also as a reparation for our past ingratitude, and that of all men. Deign to accept our humble prayers, O amiable Spirits, in union with the love and devotion of such saints as were especially devout to thee and obtain for us the grace to spend this life fervently, that it may be the commencement of that blessed life which we hope to live forever with thee in Heaven. Amen.

(here specify your intentions)

Let us pray:

O God, who with wonderful order hast regulated the functions of Angels and men, grant that those who always assist before Thy throne in Heaven may defend our lives here on earth, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.


Praise we those ministers celestial, whom the dread Father chose,
To be the guardians of our nature frail against our scheming foes.

For since that from his glory in the skies the apostate angel fell,
Burning with envy, evermore he tries to drown our souls in Hell.

Then, hither, watchful Spirit, bend thy wing, our country’s guardian blest!
Avert her threatening ills, expel each thing that hindereth her rest.

Praise to the glorious Trinity, whose strength this mighty fabric sways,
Whose glory spreads beyond the utmost length of everlasting days. Amen.


O pure and happy spirits whom the Almighty selected to become the Angels and Guardians of men! I most humbly kneel before you, to thank thee for the charity and zeal with which thou execute this commission. Alas! how many pass a long life without ever thanking that invisible friend to whom they owe a thousand times its preservation!

O charitable Guardians of those souls for whom Christ died! Resplendent Spirits, who cannot avoid loving those whom Jesus eternally loved, permit me to address thee on behalf of all those committed to thy care, and to implore for them all in general a grateful sense of thy many favors, and also the grace to profit by thy charitable assistance.

O Angel of those happy infants, who as yet “are without spot before God”, I earnestly conjure thee to preserve their innocence.

O Angels of youth, conduct them, exposed to so many dangers, safely to the bosom of God, as Tobias was conducted back to his father.

O Angels of those who employ themselves in the instruction of youth, animate them with thy zeal and love, teach them to emulate thy purity and incessant view of God, that they may worthily and successfully co-operate with the invisible Guardians of their young charges.

O Angels of the clergy “who have the eternal Gospel to preach to all nations” present their words, their actions and their intentions to God, and purify them in that fire of love with which thou art consumed.

O Angels of the missionaries who have left their native land and all who were dear to them in order to preach the Gospel in foreign fields, protect them from the physical dangers which threaten them, and especially from the defilement of the corrupting spirit of the world; console them in their hours of depression and solitude and lead them to those souls who are in danger of dying without Baptism.

O Angels of infidels and pagans whom the True Faith has never enlightened, intercede for them that they may at least open their hearts to the rays of grace, respond to the message delivered by God’s missionaries, and acknowledge and adore the one true God.

O Angels of all who travel by air, land or water, be their guides and companions, protect them from all dangers of collision, of fire and explosion, and lead them safely to their destination.

O Guardian Angels of sinners, charitable guides of those unhappy mortals whose perseverance in sin would embitter even thy unutterable joy, if thou were not established in the peace of God, oh, join me, I ardently beseech thee, in imploring their lasting conversion.

And thou, O Guardian Angels of the sick, I entreat thee especially to help, console and implore the spirit of joy for all those who are deprived of health. Intercede for them that they may not succumb to despondency or lose by impatience the merits they can gain in carrying with resignation and joy the cross which Jesus Christ has laid upon them as a special token of His love.

O Angels of those who at this moment struggle in the agonies of death, strengthen, encourage and defend them against the attacks of the infernal enemy.

O faithful Guides, holy Spirits, Adorers of the Divinity! Guardian Angels of all creatures! Protect us all, teach us to love, to pray, to combat on earth, so that one day we may reach heaven and there be happy for all eternity! Amen.


Ruler of the dread immense! Maker of this mighty frame!
Whose eternal providence guides it, as from thee it came.

Low before Thy throne we bend; hear our supplicating cries;
And Thy light celestial send with the freshly dawning skies.

King of kings, and Lord most high! This of Thy dear love we pray:
May Thy Guardian Angel nigh, keep us from all sin this day.

May he crush the deadly wiles of the envious Serpent’s art,
Ever spreading cunning toils round about the thoughtless heart.

May he scatter ruthless war ere to this our land it comes;
Plague and famine drive away, fix securely peace at home.

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, One eternal Trinity!
Guard by Thy Angelic host us who put our trust in Thee. Amen.


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of Angels,
Holy Angel, my guardian,
Holy Angel, my prince,
Holy Angel, my monitor,
Holy Angel, my counselor,
Holy Angel, my defender,
Holy Angel, my steward,
Holy Angel, my friend,
Holy Angel, my negotiator,
Holy Angel, my intercessor,
Holy Angel, my patron,
Holy Angel, my director,
Holy Angel, my ruler,
Holy Angel, my protector,
Holy Angel, my comforter,
Holy Angel, my brother,
Holy Angel, my teacher,
Holy Angel, my shepherd,
Holy Angel, my witness,
Holy Angel, my helper,
Holy Angel, my watcher,
Holy Angel, my conductor,
Holy Angel, my preserver,
Holy Angel, my instructor,
Holy Angel, my enlightener,

Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord!
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Angel Guardian,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

Almighty, everlasting God, who in the counsel of Thy ineffable goodness hast appointed to all the faithful, from their mother’s womb, a special Angel Guardian of their body and soul; grant that I may so love and honor him whom Thou has so mercifully given me, that, protected by the bounty of Thy grace and by his assistance, I may merit to behold, with him and all the Angelic hosts, the glory of Thy countenance in the heavenly kingdom, Who livest and reignest, forever, unto ages of ages. Amen.


Remember O holy Angel, thou whom Jesus, the eternal Truth, assures us dost “rejoice more at the conversion of one sinner than at the perseverance of many just.” Encouraged thereby, I, the least of creatures, humbly entreat thee to receive me as your child, and to make me unto thee a cause of true joy. Do not, O blessed Spirit, reject my petition, but graciously hear and grant it. Amen.


O Angel! who by God’s goodness has charge over me, who assists me in my necessities, who consoles me in my troubles, who obtains for me continually new favors, I thank you most sincerely. Gentle Guardian, continue thy charitable care; defend me against my enemies, put away from me all occasions of sin, make me obedient to thy inspirations and faithful to follow them, especially in my present difficulty (here mention your request). In the presence of Jesus Christ and the whole court of Heaven, I choose thee for my protector, my defender, my guide and my advocate. I beg thee to govern my whole life: my memory, understanding, will, inclinations, and desires. O Holy Angel, I love thee, and wish to love thee always. A thousand times I bless the Lord for the heavenly gifts with which He has adorned thee, for the graces with which He has sanctified thee, and for the glory with which He has crowned thee. Guard and guide me now and at the hour of my death. Never leave me unprotected until thou hast brought me safe to Heaven. Amen.

O my dear Angel Guardian,
preserve me from the misfortune of ever offending God!


O Angel of God, my blessed protector, to whose care I have been committed by my Creator from the moment of my birth, unite with me in thanking the Almighty for having given me a friend, an instructor, an advocate, and a guardian in thee. Accept, O most charitable guide, my fervent thanksgiving for all thou hast done for me; particularly for the charity with which thou didst undertake to accompany me through life; for the joy with which thou wast filled when I was purified in the waters of Baptism; and for thy anxious solicitude in watching over the treasure of my innocence. Thou knowest the numberless graces and favors which my Creator has bestowed on me through thee, and the many dangers, both spiritual and temporal, from which thou hast preserved me. Thou knowest how often thou didst deplore my sins, animate me to repentance, and intercede with God for my pardon. Ah! why have I so little merited a continuance of thy zealous efforts for my salvation? Why have I so often stained my soul by sin, and thereby rendered myself unworthy of the presence and protection of an Angel, of so pure a spirit as thou art, who hast never sinned? But as my ingratitude and thoughtlessness have not lessened thy charitable interest for my salvation, so neither shall they diminish my confidence in thy goodness, nor prevent me from abandoning myself to thy care, since God Himself has entrusted thee with the charge of my soul. Penetrated with sorrow for the little progress I have made in virtue, though blessed with such a Master, and sincerely determined to correspond in future with thy exertions for my salvation, I most earnestly entreat thee, O protecting spirit, to continue thy zealous efforts for my eternal interest; to fortify my weakness, to shield me from innumerable dangers of the world and to obtain by thy powerful prayers that my life may rather be shortened, than that I should live to commit a mortal sin. Remember, O most happy spirit, that it was one act of profound humility, and one transport of ardent love for thy Creator, that caused God to establish thee forever in glory; obtain that those virtues may be implanted in my soul, and that I may seriously endeavor to acquire docility, obedience, gentleness and purity of heart. Conduct me safely through this world of sin and misery; watch over me at the awful hour of my death; perform for my soul the last charitable office of thy mission, by strengthening, encouraging, and supporting me in the agonies of dissolution, and then, as the angel Raphael conducted Tobias safely to his father, do thou my good Angel and blessed guide, return with me to Him Who sent thee, that we may mutually bless Him, and publish His wonderful works for a happy eternity. Amen.

TO OUR GUARDIAN ANGEL (by Saint Gertrude)

O most holy Angel of God, appointed by Him to be my guardian, I give thee thanks for all the benefits which thou hast ever bestowed on me in body and in soul. I praise and glorify thee that thou didst condescend to assist me with such patient fidelity, and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemies. Blessed be the hour in which thou wast assigned me for my guardian, my defender, and my patron. In acknowledgment and return of all thy loving ministries to me from my youth up, I offer thee the infinitely precious and noble Heart of Jesus, and firmly purpose to obey thee henceforward, and most faithfully to serve my God. Amen.


My good Angel: I know not when or how I shall die. It is possible I may be carried off suddenly, and that before my last sigh I may be deprived of all intelligence. Yet how many things I would wish to say to God on the threshold of eternity. In the full freedom of my will today, I come to charge thee to speak for me at that fearful moment. Thou wilt say to Him, then, O my good Angel:

That I wish to die in the true One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in which all the saints since Jesus Christ have died, and out of which there is no salvation.

That I ask the grace of sharing in the infinite merits of my Redeemer and that I desire to die in pressing to my lips the Cross that was bathed in His Blood!

That I detest all of my sins because they displease Him, and that I pardon through love of Him all my enemies as I wish myself to be pardoned.

That I die willingly because He orders it and that I throw myself with confidence into His adorable Heart awaiting all His Mercy.

That in my inexpressible desire to go to Heaven, I am disposed to suffer everything it may please His sovereign Justice to inflict on me.

That I love Him before all things, above all things and for His own sake; that I wish and hope to love Him with the Elect, His Angels and the Blessed Mother during all Eternity.

Do not refuse, O my Angel, to be my interpreter with God, and to protest to Him that these are my sentiments and my will. Amen.


Dear Angel! ever at my side,
How loving must thou be
To leave thy home in Heaven to guide
A little child like me.

Thy beautiful and shining face
I see not though so near;
The sweetness of thy soft low voice
Too deaf am I to hear.

But when, dear Spirit, I kneel down,
Both morn and night to prayer,
Something there is within my heart,
Which tells me thou art there.

Oh! when I pray thou prayest too,
Thy prayer is all for me;
But when I sleep, thou sleepest not,
But watchest patiently.

Then for my sake, dear Angel! now
More humble will I be:
But I am weak and when I fall,
Oh, weary not of me.

Then love me, love me, Angel dear!
And I will love thee more;
And help me when my soul is cast
Upon the eternal shore.

About Author

My name is Ofomah Stephen. I'm a Catholic writer. I publish articles based on Catholic teachings and doctrines which will help you to understand and know more about the Catholic practices, history, doctrines and teaching.

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