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What is advent ( Things to know about advent as a Catholic)

What is advent ( Things to know about advent as a Catholic)


What is advent ( Things to know about advent as a Catholic)

Advent is the preparation period  leading to Christmas. It’s the period we prepare ourselves to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and to prepare our mind and soul for his second coming on the end time.

The word advent comes from the Latin word “ad-venire” which means “ to come to” which refers to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How long do we celebrate advent

Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas. It can last as long as four weeks or as short as three weeks due to the fact that Christmas is a fixed date (25 Dec) and it can fall at any days of the week. It normally starts from Sunday nearest to 30 of November and ends at fourth Sunday before Christmas.

Liturgical color of advent

The liturgical color of advent is purple. It’s used to decorate the Altar, church buildings and Tabernacle. The clergy men also wear purple vestments except on Third Sunday of advent known as Gaudete Sunday. On Gaudete Sunday the priests wear rose colored vestments.

What is Gaudete Sunday

Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of advent, it’s at this Sunday that the priest wears rose colored vestments. Gaudete means rejoice, we rejoice at this Sunday because we are halfway through advent.

What is advent Wreath

The advent wreath is a green circle flower with five candles on top.

The three purple candle represents the first, second and fourth Sunday of advent. It also represents prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

The pink candle represents the third Sunday of advent( Gaudete Sunday). The pink color of the candle represents joy and happiness we will feel when Christ comes again.

The white candle if present in a wreath represents Christmas.

Why do we celebrate advent

There is only two main reason we celebrate the Advent.

1. It helps us to prepare for the anniversary of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. It reminds us to prepare our soul and mind for the second coming of Jesus Christ on the last day.

Difference between Advent and lent

Advent is known as miniature Lent because it involves period of prayer, fasting, reconciliation and good work. Also “Glory to God ” is omitted in mass during both season.

Although there’s similarities between them, there’s also a lot of difference between advent and lent which are as follows.

1. Advent expresses hope, joy and happiness while lent expresses penance and sorrow.

2. Advent tells us what we need to add in our lives eg happiness, light, grace. While lent tells us what we should remove from our lives (sin).

3. Advent lasts for four Sundays while lent lasts for six Sundays.

4. Lent is ascetical season ( fasting prayer etc) while advent is liturgical season.

5. Advent features The prophet Isaiah while lent features prophet Jeremiah.

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My name is Ofomah Stephen. I'm a Catholic writer. I publish articles based on Catholic teachings and doctrines which will help you to understand and know more about the Catholic practices, history, doctrines and teaching.

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