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Do Catholics practice necromancy



Do Catholics practice necromancy

The Catholic Church as a whole doesn’t have a practice that relates to necromancy, it’s a practice popular among pagans and magicians and the Catholic doctrine bans such practice from its members.

Catholics have always been accused of necromancy because we pray to Saints to interceed for us, but the accusations is out of ignorance.

Let’s go into details what necromancy is all about, so as to make everyone understand what it is very well and to stand their grounds when a critic tries to accuse Catholics of practicing necromancy.

What is Necromancy

Necromancy simply means the act of communicating with the dead to seek the knowledge of a future or to utter a future event.

It is the conjuration of the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically  revealing the future or influencing  the course of events.

The practitioner of necromancy believe in after life, superior knowledge of the spirit and the ability of the dead to communicate with the living.

History of Necromancy

Necromancy is a practice common to pagan people and the practice exist in every part of the world. No body knows when it was originated, but was popular in the Middle Ages.

Why people practice necromancy

People practice necromancy to awaken the spirit of a dead person, which might be a loved one, family member or any other person. To ask them questions about the future, to change the events of the future or to reveal the future to them. They also seek to know the condition the dead person soul in the land of the dead.

Necromancy is also used for witchcraft and every other evil magical practices in the pagan world.

What does the Bible say about necromancy

The Bible forbade the act of necromancy and every other witchcraft and magic . In Deuteronomy 18:10-11 God said to Moses “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,
or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.”

The Bible also states any person caught with such practice will be put to death Leviticus 20:27 “‘A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.'”

Do Catholics practice necromancy

The best known story in the Bible about a person that practiced Necromancy, was King Saul who met a witch to raise Samuel from the dead, to seek Guidance from him (1Samuel 28:1-25). Even though King Saul knew God was against such practice, he went on and raise the soul of Prophet Samuel. Saul was later punished by God in (1Chronicles 10:13-14) “Saul died because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance,
and did not inquire of the LORD. So the LORD put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse.”

Just as the Bible goes against the practice of necromancy, the Catholic doctrine goes against it too, because it was believed that the spirit or the soul of the dead raised is not actually the person but demons who took the form of the dead person to speak to the living. God is ominipotent and omniscience, he knows everything and he can give us any knowledge and revelation we ask from him through prayer if necessary. It’s evil and unwise to seek knowledge from the dead because the demons who took the form of the person are from the devil who is master of lies and deception. He can trick you to believe what is not true and lastly we all know nothing good comes from the devil.

Knowing everything about necromancy it’s time to answer the great question Does Catholic Church practice necromancy by praying to the Saints?

Is praying to Saints by Catholics the same with Necromancy?

The act of necromancy always try to force power and authority over the dead spirit and try to seek guidance and knowledge from them especially for evil purposes or earthly purposes.

The Catholic prays to Saints who are in heaven to interceed for us and we don’t seek to raise them from the dead and enforce power over them to seek knowledge from them just like the people they practice necromancy.

If you check you will see its not about the communication but it’s about the purpose of the communication. If the communication between the spirit and the living is banned then Angel Gabriel wouldn’t have spoken to mary,Joseph , Zachariah and the shepherd. The same with the transfiguration of Jesus.

Necromancy deals with evil spirits or the spirit of the damned, but the Saints are in heaven just like the angels whose mission is to fulfill God’s purpose and not earthly purpose.

Some human being has the gift and also blessed to be visited by heavenly beings whose mission is to fulfill God’s purpose and help God’s ministry on earth.

Catholics pray to Saints to help them pray to God, they don’t try to force them or try to raise them from the dead and ask them of knowledge about the future or to utter a future event . Catholics believe those that died in God’s grace are not dead but alive in the Lord and are able to help us as intercessors.

According to Jesus, death cannot separate the faithful—such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—from God. And, if they are alive to God, they must be alive to us through Him as members of His one body.

Lastly the Bible recorded that the heavenly beings are always busy rising from earth to heaven and descending from heaven to earth, so as the Saints in heaven, fulfilling the will of God and because they are alive in the Lord they can hear and carry our prayers to God.

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My name is Ofomah Stephen. I'm a Catholic writer. I publish articles based on Catholic teachings and doctrines which will help you to understand and know more about the Catholic practices, history, doctrines and teaching.

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